Saturday, September 18, 2010

Labor Day weekend gardening

Since we are starting to head into fall most of our garden is done producing.  So, on Labor Day weekend Chad pulled out all the dying plants and now all we have left is okra - which is still going strong too!  Here are some garden pictures:

I love the okra flowers!

More beautiful okra!

Chad working on the garden - you might be able to see Roxy inside watching if you look closely!

Both cats in the windows watching Chad work in the garden.

When pulling up the tomato plants Chad found some horn worms.

This is a horn worm that's been parasitized by a wasp - all the white egg things are wasp larvae that will eat the horn worm when they hatch.  Pretty creepy!

Here is the current garden with only okra plants and one little basil plant left.

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