Monday, September 27, 2010

Jimmy Eat World Concert!

Jimmy Eat World is another one of my favorite bands that I hadn't ever had the opportunity to see live.  They were playing in Asheville the week after my birthday, so going to this concert was going to be part of my birthday gift from Chad.  They played at a venue called the Orange Peel, which was a really nice venue other than the fact that there was not much parking nearby.  We did find a spot about 2 blocks away, which was fine.  The band was GREAT - they really put on a good show!  They played for an hour and a half which was great.  It was a really good show and I was able to get some good pictures of the band.  Here are my pictures from the Jimmy Eat World show:

The view on our way up to Asheville.

At the Orange Peel in Asheville.

Jimmy Eat World Live!

The lead singer and other guitarist.

The drummer and bass player.

The lead singer, Jim.

The whole band again.

Me in the shirt I bought at the concert.

Flyleaf Concert!

Flyleaf is one of my favorite bands and I've never gotten to see them live.  So, I was extremely excited when I found out they were coming to Charlotte the week of my birthday!  Chad and I got to see them at Amos' Southend, which is a great concert venue, on Friday September 17th.  When we got there we even ran into my brother Fielding and his girlfriend Kasey too!  The concert was GREAT.  Flyleaf is such a great band and even though they are a Christian band they have gotten tons of secular exposure on radio, MTV, etc.  And it was really cool to see a band at Amos' get up and talk about Jesus and what their songs mean and they even promoted World Vision, which is a wonderful Christian relief organization.  It was a great concert and even better that is added to my birthday week celebrations!  It was very crowded and I wasn't able to take very good pictures, but here are the ones I did take:

Me & Chad before the Flyleaf show.

Fielding and Kasey before Flyleaf.


The lead singer Lacey.

Another picture of Flyleaf

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to Jessica!

Last year for my birthday Chad and I were lucky enough to get to celebrate it in Hawaii with my Mom and Mike.  This year unfortunately we couldn't do that again, but I decided to take a couple extra days off work to celebrate my birthday.  Since my Dad's birthday is a few days before mine he came to Charlotte and we celebrated our birthdays on Sept. 11th with dinner at Carrabbas with Chad, Dad, me, my brother Fielding and his girlfriend Kasey.  Then on my actual birthday Chad and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  Here is a picture of us when we got back home - stuffed from our wonderful birthday dinner!  Chad even wore his plaid shorts that he knows are my favorites!

Here is the oreo cheesecake we brought home from the Cheesecake Factory!

I'll post pictures of my birthday gift from Chad later - he made me a custom craft table!  I was so surprised and it's perfect for all my craft stuff to be organized.  I need to get everything organized and he's going to put up a shelf above it for me too.  Once it's all set up I'll post pictures of my wonderful birthday gift from Chad!

Sandy and Roxy

Sandy lounging in the living room.

Roxy looking outside on a nice day.

Visitors to our yard

Our neighbor's cat Harley is so sweet and always comes over to visit us!

Another hummingbird hanging out at our feeder.

This hawk was flying around our neighborhood and stopped to perch on the power line tower in the field behind our house.  This was as close as I could zoom in to him.

This garden spider built it's web between our front porch and our neighbor's.

Labor Day weekend gardening

Since we are starting to head into fall most of our garden is done producing.  So, on Labor Day weekend Chad pulled out all the dying plants and now all we have left is okra - which is still going strong too!  Here are some garden pictures:

I love the okra flowers!

More beautiful okra!

Chad working on the garden - you might be able to see Roxy inside watching if you look closely!

Both cats in the windows watching Chad work in the garden.

When pulling up the tomato plants Chad found some horn worms.

This is a horn worm that's been parasitized by a wasp - all the white egg things are wasp larvae that will eat the horn worm when they hatch.  Pretty creepy!

Here is the current garden with only okra plants and one little basil plant left.

Matthews Alive 2010

Since I grew up in Matthews I always try to go to the Matthews Alive festival every year and the parade when I can too.  This year the weather was absolutely perfect for the parade and festival!  Also, since I attended Matthews Elementary School for 2nd through 6th grade it's nice to go back and see my old school too.  Here is a slideshow of the parade and the festival:


Chad and I have been talking about getting bikes for at least the past 5 years or so.  Well, we finally got some in August!  I was so happy that the one I really wanted was on sale for a great price and was the exact size I needed too (mine is the blue one and Chad's is the black one).  We also got these great stands so that we can store the bikes in our sun room and they are very easy to get in and out.  Here are some pictures of the new bikes: