Thursday, January 05, 2017

Neighbor Dream and Interpretation

So, in my last post I explained a VERY brief version of the issues we had with our neighbors and how that finally changed for the better. Since that post was already so long I decided to do a separate post with the dream that I had and our friend's interpretation. But, first I want to state that obvious: this is super weird. While I totally believe God can speak to us in any way imaginable, I never knew anyone before our friend Debbie who had dreams that she felt were from God and I REALLY never thought I would ever have a dream like that! It was pretty unbelievable at the time, but also REALLY cool to feel like you're hearing directly from God. So, here's the dream and our friend Debbie's interpretation:

The Dream:

OK, so this morning at 5am I was woken up by our neighbor's dog Buck barking (he's the one mostly tied to the deck). I don't have to get up until 6am, so I was praying about the situation and trying to go back to sleep. Well I guess I did go back to sleep and I dreamed this:
Chad and I were in the house and it was early in the morning, but it was light out. We saw Scott and Julie walking toward our house and they were both dressed much nicer than normal (she had a dress on). We were watching them, but they couldn't see us. I joked with Chad that maybe they were going to a house closing since they were dressed up and that's very rare. We realized they were going to leave a folder near our door, but when she put it down it blew open and the papers started blowing away. Chad stepped out and they both seemed surprised that he came out. They told us that they were moving on May 31st. While Chad and Julie were gathering the papers Scott was trying to make small talk with me, but I don't trust myself to say anything to them (I don't have ANYTHING good to say to them...) so I went back inside. Chad came in and the folder was a bunch of random papers, some childhood pictures of us (which was weird because they wouldn't have had any pictures of us) and a small plastic container with a lock of hair from David Douglas (David Douglas originally owned all the property in our neighborhood and when we moved in he still lived nearby and he and Scott were kind of friends, but DD was crazy and probably had dementia because he didn't make a lot of sense most of the time. He died about 2 years ago). The papers had hand scrawled notes and the only 2 things I remember reading were that they were moving out on May 31st and a note attached to the container with the hair saying that it was from David Douglas. The handwriting was bad and almost looked like a child wrote it. In the dream I remember being so happy they were moving, but Chad and I didn't talk about it and then I woke up.
I remembered your message about any dreams, so I'm HOPING this is a sign from God that they will be moving in May! I've never had anything like this happen to me, so I'd like your opinion on this. Do you think it's a prophetic dream? I'm hoping so, but either way it definitely helped me feel better today and have hope that they will be gone soon.
The Interpretation:

OK, so here we go. First of all, your dream begins in the early morning with light. This means a new day is dawning, a new beginning. You could see Scott and Julie, but they were not aware that you could see them. This tells you that God will be revealing some strategies/insight about them that you normally would not have about them. They are dressed up. They have made preparations for a formal appearance...and low and behold that's just what happened. To me, it's almost like when generals would meet up on the battlefield to surrender--they would wear their finest clothes and surrender. Let's work with this analogy a bit. When a general surrendered, that general would go to the other commanding officer's territory and surrender. He would usually bring official papers that were signed, declaring that his side was giving up. He would usually bring a gift or a token. (More on that later). There would also be a declared date as to when the enemy would be withdrawing.
I think the lock of hair from David Douglas is very significant. David Douglas used to own all the land that your subdivision was built on. Ownership can be a form of authority over an area. You mentioned that David had some kind of dementia, or mental illness. That is almost always a sign of demonic influence. (Not that he was possessed, but tormented). So, here you have a man who had ownership of a large territory that was also tormented by the enemy.....just because a territory is sold doesn't mean that the demonic influence moves after that sale. They will sometimes remain. (Our house is almost 100 years old, and I can tell you, we are STILL moving out the enemy from this territory. We've made a lot of progress, but our rule over this area was done little by little).
I find it interesting that shortly after you moved in, you started having problems with your neighbors. That is exactly what happened with us. There was resistance and I remember you saying that you two were thinking about chucking it all and moving away. That tells me that God landed you right in the middle of your promised land. This place that you are dwelling in, God has specifically reserved this territory for you, for this time and season. When the Israelites were in the promised land, all they did was displace the enemy, little by little. The fact that you are experiencing resistance and fighting the enemy means you've arrived. You're there.
Now, a new day has dawned. The enemy is surrendering and they've even brought a lock of hair from the head of the previous ruling "authority" of that territory. (That's the token I mentioned earlier). They also had baby pictures of you and Chad. To me, that means, God established this territory for you and Chad for this specific season from the time of your birth. Doesn't that just bake your noodle?!?! smile emoticon May 31st will be important, obviously. It could mean that the 31st is the day of surrender, or it could be a tipping point. Once that point is reached, there's no going back. I know for sure that the enemy is reaching his end. He's out of tactics. You're here and you're not moving. His strategies have failed and he has no other option but to surrender.

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