Friday, January 20, 2017

Christmas Pictures

We had a very full and busy Christmas season this year. For the first time in over 10 years I didn't have to mail ANY Christmas gifts! My Mom and Stepfather came up for an early Christmas with us and took gifts back with them to family in Wilmington and my Dad is back in Charlotte so we got to see him on Christmas Day too. Here are pictures from Christmas this year:

Christmas decorations at our house:

Early Christmas with my Mom and Stepfather the weekend before Christmas:

Chad started a new job working for our church a few months ago, so that changed our Christmas Eve traditions a little because he needed to work most of the Christmas Eve services. We had our Christmas Eve traditions the day before Christmas Eve. These pictures are from our Christmas Eve service at Meck and Christmas morning at our house:

On Christmas Day we had lunch and opened gifts with Chad's family:

Later on Christmas Day my Dad, brother and my brother's girlfriend came over for gifts and dessert - homemade pumpkin pie (forgot to take a picture of it):

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