Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This Thanksgiving was a little different.  Chad's grandmother ended up in the hospital the week of Thanksgiving - during some routine tests they found out her arteries were almost completely blocked so they had to put stints in and she was in the hospital for 2 days.  Thankfully, she did well and is recovering.  But, because of that we delayed Thanksgiving with Chad's family to Saturday.  My brother was going to come with us, but he was going to the beach that weekend, so we had a small Thanksgiving with just me, Chad, and Fielding on Thanksgiving Day.  Then on Saturday we had our re-scheduled Thanksgiving with Chad's family.  Here are pictures from our Thanksgiving this year:

Fielding, Jessica, and Chad.

Fielding & Jessica.

Jessica's pumpkin pie.

Here are pictures from Thanksgiving with Chad's family:

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