Monday, April 05, 2010

Third and final week of fasting

Well, for our final week of fasting for Lent we decided to fast from Facebook.  At first we were going to fast from all "non-necessary" Internet use, but really the more we talked about it we both wasted the most time on Facebook.  I fought joining Facebook for so long and then once I was finally on it I was on there a LOT.  We both use it a lot and since people update constantly it's very easy to keep getting on there to see the new content.  I found that just like the other fasts after the first day or so it was much easier to get through the week than I thought it would be.  For me it was even harder because the Friday before our fast started was when the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library system laid off 148 staff - so Facebook became my main way of checking on my library friends to see who had been let go and who was still around.  But, one good thing came of our fast because during that week the healthcare reform bill passed and since Chad was also fasting politics the whole time that made it easier for him to continue his political fast.  The sad thing was that once I got back on Facebook after our fast was over it only took me about 30-45 minutes to catch up on a whole week's worth of posts.  I think what I learned from this is that while Facebook is a great way to catch up with friends and family it shouldn't be the whole focus of your day.  I will continue to use Facebook, but maybe I won't log in 10 times a day just to see what's new.

Chad and I really got a lot out of our Lent fasting, but I think next year we'll try to fast from just one thing for the whole 40 days.  I originally thought doing a different fast each week would let us have a more varied experience, but I think a week is just not long enough to really get the the most out of the fasting experience. 

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