Friday, March 16, 2018

June 2017 Events

So, our oldest niece Kathryn graduated from high school this year. Definitely makes me feel old since she was 1 1/2 when we got married and this year is my 20th high school reunion (not that I'm going)! Apparently Cabarrus county has all their high school graduations at the Cabarrus arena, which is great in theory, but in actuality since there is only 1 road and 1 entrance we sat in traffic FOREVER. When our younger niece graduates, we'll know to tailgate it and get there WAY early. Here are some pictures from Kathryn's graduation:

Our garden is really taking off at this point! The herbs are huge and everything is starting to produce. We made our first batch of dill pickles this month too. Here are some June garden pictures:

One night while we were fixing dinner we hear a THUNK on our sliding glass door and the cats both run over to it. When I walked over to see what it was I saw a HUGE hawk on our deck and a young cardinal on the deck in front of the door. I guess the hawk was chasing the cardinal and it ran into the glass door. As soon as the hawk saw me it flew away, and thankfully after a few minutes recovering the cardinal flew away too. But, the cats definitely enjoyed seeing the cardinal that close!

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