Friday, March 16, 2018

July 2017 Events

So, our cat Roxy started getting recurring upper respiratory infections starting last fall. Each one would clear up with antibiotics, but she started getting them closer and closer together. She also really needed some dental work done and the vet thought it might help with the infections as well. So, she had a dental cleaning and a few teeth pulled, but they also found an issue with her jaw that required a wire to go through her chin until it healed and because of that she was supposed to wear a cone for 2 weeks. That did not go well. After the dental she was very loopy from the medicine and kept running into things with the cone. Then she wouldn't eat, drink or use the litter box! The first night home she peed on me in our bed, so we all had to get up change the sheets, etc. The next night she peed on Chad and I knew it wasn't from the medicine it was her being pissed about the cone. I was also very worried about her not eating or drinking. On day 3 I took the cone off and stayed home with her all day - she never messed with the wire (it was VERY small) or got it stuck on anything. And as soon as I took it off she ran over to her food, then the litter box! So, she trained us well and was NOT going to wear that cone! Even though the dental work didn't clear up the recurring infections, we did see a specialist who thinks it's a viral thing that is just going to flare up regularly and as long as she responds to the antibiotics we should be good. It was a rough time this summer when all this was going on, but thankfully Roxy is still showing us who is boss!

Roxy's brief time in the cone!

Look at this sweet face!

We love the 4th of July in Harrisburg! We've been watching the parade with the same friends for at least 10 years now. Here are our pictures from the parade this year:

Our garden is still doing well and for the first time we've had success with peppers! Every year something eats the pepper plants and we never get anything. I don't know what was different this year except maybe the bees, but we finally have bell peppers and jalapenos!

We also canned some tomato sauce with tomatoes from our garden - I LOVE to can food from things we've grown in the garden!

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