Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mother Earth News Fair 2016

After going to the Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville last year for the first time we decided to make that an annual event for us. There are SO many awesome workshops and speakers that we are interested in and Joel Salatin is usually the closing speaker, which is reason enough to go! This year we stayed at a hotel within walking distance because we had to fight so much traffic last year and that was really nice. The only downside to the fair was that it was REALLY cold and windy on the first day - like 26 for the high and VERY windy. Basically, we ended up changing the sessions we attended based on what was inside because it was just WAY too cold to be outside long. The second day was still cold, but MUCH better than day one! We also found out that a new Sierra Nevada Brewery was just a few minutes down the road from our hotel. It was really nice and I wish we had had more time to do some of their brewery tours, but Chad did buy a growler and tried a few of their beers during our trip. We really enjoyed going to the fair despite the cold. Here are some pictures:

Driving up to Asheville for the Mother Earth News Fair.

Here are pictures from the Sierra Nevada Brewery.

Most of the pictures are from day 2 because day 1 was SO cold!

At the fair these are the sessions we attended:


Compost your way to better soil (didn't stay for the whole thing - too cold!)
General Hive Inspection (too cold, so rescheduled for day 2)
Rocket Mass Heaters (because it was inside)
Extending the Harvest: creating a 4 season garden


Kombucha demo workshop
Live package of bees installed demo (probably the MOST helpful session)
Achieving Complete Self-Sufficiency
Benchmarks of Truth - Joel Salatin

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