Wednesday, June 15, 2016

May 2016 Events

We had quite a few events in May. Chad's cousin Kristin got re-married, we went to our younger niece's chorus concert where she had a solo, and we saw Better Than Ezra in Winston-Salem. Here are pictures from our May events:

Chad's cousin Kristin got re-married and it was a beautiful day at a really pretty venue. We had had a lot of rain recently, but the weather was perfect that day. It's always nice to have a reason to get all dressed up!

Our younger niece Karissa goes to the same high school Chad and his sister Amy graduated from because she's in a special STEM program (our older niece goes to the high school that is closer to their house). Karissa had a solo in a recent chorus concert and it worked out for us to attend. It was weird for Chad because he hadn't been back to his old high school since he graduated in 1992! I wish I had brought our camera because we had really good seats, but I did the best I could with my phone!

I was SO excited to get to see one of my favorite bands, Better Than Ezra, on Memorial Day weekend! The concert was in Bailey park in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. We lucked out in finding a parking spot within walking distance of the park and some good restaurants. The last time we saw BTE was in 2003 or 2004 also in Winston-Salem - we saw them twice around the same time and then not again until this time. The concert was SO good and they played songs from all their albums, plus a few covers. They are a very entertaining band to see live! Hopefully it won't be another 12 years before we get to see them again!

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