Saturday, September 20, 2014

Grey Fox Sighting

Since we've moved into our current house I've seen a few foxes - both red and grey.  Usually you only catch a glimpse as they run back into the woods.  Chad saw a grey fox walk through our yard a few times when he was grilling on the deck.  On Labor Day weekend we saw possibly that same grey fox two nights in a row.  On Sunday night I was out walking and talking to my Mom on the phone around 7:30pm.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw something and stopped - it was a beautiful grey fox!  We just looked at each other for at least 2 minutes before he calmly turned around and walked back into the woods.  I couldn't believe it!  The next night Chad and I were out walking around the same time and on our way back to our house we saw the fox again in the same spot!  This time he looked at us for awhile and then sat down - he didn't even go back into the woods.  Chad was able to take a couple pictures on his phone - they aren't great since it was getting dark and we were probably 30 feet away.  I would love to get some pictures with the real camera, but I haven't seen the fox since those two nights.  It was one of the coolest things I've experienced.  Here are the pictures Chad got of the grey fox:

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