Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feb. 7-9 Wilmington Visit

My Grandmother started off 2014 by falling on New Year's Day and breaking her hip.  She had broken one side a few years ago, so this was the other side.  Thankfully, she didn't need a full hip replacement this time and only had to have pins put in.  My Mom came back to NC to help her once she came home from the rehab center after her surgery.  Chad & I came to visit them the weekend of Feb. 7-9 and while we were there Chad did a bunch of small repairs around my Grandmother's house.  I'm very thankful that not only does Chad come along with me to Wilmington when my Mom comes home, but he genuinely enjoys spending time with my Mom and Grandmother too.  And he loves to help my Grandmother do any repairs to her house that he can.  Here are some pictures of our visit with my Mom and Grandmother:

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