Monday, January 14, 2013

2012 Coupon Savings

I've been keeping track of how much we save by using coupons and shopping sales.  For the past year or two I've tried to be more strategic with how I use coupons to get the best deals and save the most money.  Now the way I shop has completely changed.  Instead of making a list of what we need each week and buying it whether it's on sale or not I mostly buy only what is on sale and/or what I have coupons for - preferably combining sales with my coupons.  Then I plan meals around staples that we already have on hand.  It took me a little while to transition to this way of shopping, but it's MUCH easier.  I get all of our meat and most of our produce from the Farmer's Market and buy staples/canned goods/etc. around sales and coupons.  Of course sometimes I still have to stop by the store for something specific, but overall this is how I shop now and I really think it's making a difference with how much money we save.

So, in 2012 I saved $1855.19 by using coupons!  That is $258 MORE than in 2011!  My goal for 2013 is to save at least $2000.

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