Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yard sale success

Here are some pictures of how we had our yard sale laid out. Since they were calling for rain that day my biggest concern was that we'd be rained out. It stormed the night before, but it did not rain at all until about 11:45 or so right when we started to pack up. So everything worked out pretty well. We didn't make a ton of money, but we did get rid of a lot of stuff we didn't need anymore and the rest will be taken to Goodwill. Other than the signs getting taken because of the ordinance, I was really happy with how smoothly everything went with this yard sale!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh to have weekends to do what you want. In order for us to have a yard sale we have to strape the kids down in the yard with us. This leads to people asking how much they cost and me getting in trouble for offering a price. :^)

Thanks for the update, Necole called me at work today and said, guess what we got? A plaid cats update! Of course I rushed home to read. We miss you guys! Tell Chad I'm impressed with his craftmanship. He needs to find a BNI group in your area (bni.com) and promote the heck out of the business.

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