Saturday, June 03, 2017

April 2017 - Bees and Planting the Garden

In April we got 2 packages of bees! Right before the bees were supposed to arrive Chad got sick with the flu and we had a ton of stuff to do to get ready - including taking down a small tree in our yard. Thankfully my brother and our neighbor Daryl were able to come over one afternoon and help us get the area ready for the hives. Here are some pictures of installing the two packages of bees:

We also planted our garden in April. We got all of our plants from the farmer's market plant sale and we also planted our okra plants from seed. Chad had a really great idea of replacing our garden bed borders with downed cedar trees from our woods. Cedar is much more rot-resistant, but it's very expensive. My brother came over one day and helped Chad get some of the downed cedars out of the woods and cut down to the sizes we needed. I think it makes the garden look more rustic too. On the day we planted our garden we found a king snake in our basement curled up with some of our gardening tools! Thankfully Chad was able to get it out and they are not poisonous, but we're still not sure how it got inside... Here are pictures from our garden:

Of course here are some pictures of Sandy & Roxy in April:

Chad & I also celebrated our 17 year wedding anniversary on April 29. Time really flies because it feels like just yesterday we got married! We went out to Outback which is our anniversary tradition and Chad got me some beautiful roses. Here are a few pictures on our anniversary:

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