Monday, July 07, 2014


We have had such a huge crop of cucumbers from our garden that we needed to make pickles to preserve them.  We made refrigerator pickles last summer before we took our canning class, but this summer we were able to can our pickles.  It was a good thing too because we ended up with 12 pint jars of pickles!  We have so many more cucumbers coming in that we'll probably be able to do a few more batches before the summer is over.  It is definitely work to process everything and go through all the steps of canning, but there is such a feeling of accomplishment and pride to know that you grew these cucumbers and now you're making your own pickles and canning them!  I hope to give some of these pickles as gifts this Christmas and it's so nice to give gifts that you've created/grown/etc. yourself.

Getting ready to start processing the cucumbers.

Our 12 pints of pickles!

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