Monday, June 23, 2014

2014 Garden

We definitely learned a lot from our garden last year - the first in our new house.  But, there is ALWAYS something to learn when it comes to gardening!  This year Chad built a cold frame for us to start our seeds and I don't know why, but none of the seeds came up - not even one!  We re-planted directly in the garden and everything came up.  But, something was eating our okra seedlings as soon as they came out of the ground.  We couldn't figure out what it was.  Finally we caught the okra culprit - slugs!  By then only a few plants had survived and we were out of seeds.  I'm hoping that the few okra plants that made it will be successful since that's my favorite vegetable we grow.  So, far the other plants are looking great and we even have lettuce for the first time!  Here are some pictures of the beginnings of our 2014 garden:

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