Sunday, December 22, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year for Thanksgiving we only got to see Chad's family.  My brother usually comes with us, but this year he didn't.  I did take him a piece of my pumpkin pie though!  I always like to get some family pictures whenever we're all together so I can use them for gifts and it's just nice to have pictures to remember things.  When we were taking the group shots we realized that my sister-in-law Amy's camera takes 3 pictures in a row when you set it up for timed pictures.  So we decided to do some crazy pictures and all move around for each of the 3 shots.  It was SO much fun and I think the pictures are hilarious!  I'm so glad we did that and it's a great Thanksgiving memory with Chad's family.  Here are the pictures from Thanksgiving with Chad's family:

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