Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Traditions

My two favorite Christmas traditions are going to the Behold the Lamb of God concert that our church hosts each year and the Christmas party we have with our friends with an ornament exchange game.  This is the 8th year we've seen the Behold the Lamb of God concert and it's just as great each year as it was the first!  This year we took our neighbor's Scott and Julie and they really enjoyed it.  Every year I am just blown away at how incredibly talented all the musicians are who participate in this concert.  We had just gotten our new camera too the week of the concert so it was first time to test it out.  Here are some pictures from the 2013 Behold the Lamb of God concert:

We've probably been having this Christmas party with our friends for at least 8 years too! Originally we were all part of the same small group and then it got down to just 3 couples and ever since then we've been doing this Christmas party and an ornament exchange game. It's so much fun and even though we try to hang out throughout the year it's good to all get together at Christmas. Normally we do a group and individual family photo, but this year Katie wasn't feel good so they ended up leaving early. Here are some pictures from our friends Christmas party:

Decorating for Christmas 2013

I LOVE to decorate for Christmas!  This year we also got a new Christmas tree and I made a new Christmas tree skirt.  I had a little trouble with the tree skirt and had to re-do part of it, but after that it came out great and it looks just the way I'd pictured it in my head.  I also bought a second, smaller Christmas tree this year.  I really wanted a second tree and I hope to do a different theme each year.  This year it's a beach themed tree.  Here are the pictures of us decorating our new Christmas trees:

December Cat Pictures

This winter we have had a LOT of birds and squirrels in the yard.  The cats love to sit in the window and look outside, but they especially love it if there are birds and squirrels out there for them to watch.  Here are a few pictures of the cats watching the wildlife outside from December:

Thanksgiving 2013

This year for Thanksgiving we only got to see Chad's family.  My brother usually comes with us, but this year he didn't.  I did take him a piece of my pumpkin pie though!  I always like to get some family pictures whenever we're all together so I can use them for gifts and it's just nice to have pictures to remember things.  When we were taking the group shots we realized that my sister-in-law Amy's camera takes 3 pictures in a row when you set it up for timed pictures.  So we decided to do some crazy pictures and all move around for each of the 3 shots.  It was SO much fun and I think the pictures are hilarious!  I'm so glad we did that and it's a great Thanksgiving memory with Chad's family.  Here are the pictures from Thanksgiving with Chad's family:

Misc. November Pictures

We got the cats a really cute cube bed for Christmas two years ago.  Ever since we moved into our new house last year they haven't gotten in that cube bed one time.  Then all of a sudden they both rediscovered it!  Here are a few November cat pictures:

I tried a few new recipes this month. I usually take a chance and try things out on my book club since there will be more people than just me and Chad to eat whatever goodies I make. So, in November for book club I made homemade oatmeal pies and homemade cheese straws. The oatmeal pies were FANTASTIC and so easy to make - especially with my new Kitchenaid mixer. The cheese straws tasted great, but were harder to make. I would adjust a few things with the recipe the next time I try to make those. Then while my Mom was still here I made my first homemade apple pie with some of the apples we had left over from when we went to the mountains in October. It turned out really well too. Here are a few pictures of my new recipes and the beautiful Thanksgiving flowers Chad got for me: