Saturday, September 07, 2013

Matthew Alive Parade 2013

One of my favorite childhood memories is going to the Stumptown parade and festival, now known as Matthews Alive.  We lived in Matthews from the time I was 7 until I was 15 so going back to the parade and festival reminds me of  my childhood.  Chad & I try to go to the parade and festival most years if we can.  Here are some pictures from this year's parade:

Why We Love Our Church!

Chad & I have been going to Mecklenburg Community Church for 11 years now and we still love it!  It's by far the best church I have ever attended.  Here are just two recent events that show why we love our church so much:

For the past 3 years our church has been doing a backpack drive to support A Child's Place that helps homeless students in Charlotte.  These are just a few of the fully supplied backpacks donated from Meck!

We recently had baptisms after each of our services - so at 3 physical locations that is 7 services over the weekend.  Not sure how many total people were baptized but at the service we attended that weekend at least 30 people were baptized and that is what church is all about!

After the baptisms they served cupcakes.  Here are our friends Becca & Jason's children Braden and Katie with their cupcakes.


We have moved more toward making as many things as we can from scratch.  I feel like our society tells us that it's too "hard" to make things from scratch or homemade things that can be easily purchased at the grocery store.  What I've found is that it's not necessarily harder to make things from scratch, but it does require a little more planning than stopping by the grocery store.  Here are a few things we've done that are homemade or made from scratch:

This is the table Chad made for our deck so we can use it for canning and also for when we grill to have some counter space.

Our first batch of refrigerator pickles.  We didn't have our canner situation set up in time when all our pickling cucumbers were coming in from the garden.

Our first batch of homemade chicken stock - we got 7 cups of stock.

Our first batch of home canned tomatoes from the farmer's market.

First Time Canning!

We took a canning class back in early June and we finally got everything set up to can at our house.  We found out in the class that it's not recommended to use canners on a ceramic top stoves because the canners are usually bigger than the burner space and since they get so hot for so long it can crack or damage the ceramic tops.  Since we just bought our stove last year when we moved into our house we were not willing to risk damaging it!  Chad built a table for our deck and we bought a portable gas cooktop that we can connect to propane tanks.  Once we had our cooktop and our canners ready we were finally ready to can!  For our first project we bought 2 boxes of canning tomatoes at the farmer's market.  Since this was our first time canning we learned a few things to make things easier.  Tomatoes are a LOT of work to prepare for canning - the actual canning part is pretty easy.  We did one box and canned one day and then prepared the second box one evening after work and then did the canning the next day after work so it wasn't so much work in one day/evening.  I also think something like green beans would be MUCH easier.  Overall, I think it went pretty well.  It was a little stressful that first day, but we got the hang of it and in the grand scheme of things 2 days of work for a fall/winter supply of fresh, farmer's market tomatoes is definitely worth it!  Here are a few pictures from our first time canning:

Jimmy Eat World Concert

As an early birthday present, I got to go see Jimmy Eat World play on August 13, 2013 at the Fillmore.  Jimmy Eat World is one of my all-time favorite bands and this concert was my 3rd time seeing them play.  I really like the Fillmore venue because it's roomy without being huge and you can see the stage from pretty much anywhere in the building.  We got there at just the right time too - we missed the opening band and got there about 20 minutes before Jimmy Eat World came on.  They played for almost 2 hours too - it was GREAT!  It was such a great early birthday present for me, especially since Chad is not a huge Jimmy Eat World fan.  Here are some pictures from the concert:

August 2013 Garden Pictures

Our garden didn't produce as much as we would have liked this summer, but it's our first year having one at our new house so it's still a learning experience.  By August our okra FINALLY started growing more and producing, so that's great because okra is my favorite thing we grow!  Also, our tomato plants got a VERY late start, but they are finally starting to produce a little too.  Here are some pictures of our garden in August:

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

July Birthdays

Chad and my brother Fielding both have birthdays in July.  This year we decided to grill out at our house instead of going out to eat.  I also decided to make them camo cupcakes thanks to Pinterest for the idea!  Since they are both into hunting I thought it would be cute to make camo cupcakes.  It was definitely a little bit of work since you had to divide the batter and icing into batches and color them with food coloring, but they came out really well.  Here are a few pictures from the July birthday cookout and the camo cupcakes:

New Tattoo!

I've been wanting to get a new tattoo for awhile, so I decided that was what I wanted as my anniversary gift this year.  I wasn't able to schedule it until July even though our anniversary is in April.  I really wanted to get the words "perfect in weakness" which is part of a line from a Flyleaf song, but also a paraphrase of the Bible verse II Corinthians 12:9 which says "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." This is one of my favorite Bible verses because anytime I feel like I'm not good enough or something is "wrong" with me I am reminded that it's because of these weaknesses that God can shine through in my life.  I LOVE the tattoo!  My tattoo artist at Immortal Images, Chris, did such a great job with the idea I had.  I am so happy with it and can't wait to get more - I'm even contemplating doing a full sleeve... Here are a few pictures of me getting my newest tattoo:

Outline done.

The finished tattoo!

4th of July and a Birthday Party

One of my favorite traditions has become the Harrisburg 4th of July celebrations.  For the past 7 years at least we've been meeting up with some of our good friends at the 4th of July parade.  This year it was overcast and drizzled off and on during the parade, but that meant it wasn't super hot at least.  Here are the pictures from this year's 4th of July parade:

Our friends Becca and Jason's children, Braden and Katie, have birthdays in June and July and they usually have a joint party for them. Since we always hang out with them for 4th of July too they decided to have the joint birthday party on the 4th of July this year. We could also watch the Harrisburg fireworks from their house too which was really nice. Here are the pictures from Braden and Katie's birthday party: