Friday, November 25, 2011

Random fall photos

These are just some random photos that didn't fit in with any other posts.

This was a beautiful sunset in mid-November.

Roxy taking a closer look at the TV stand!

Tree Transition

You can definitely tell the seasons based on the tree in front of our house.  Here are a few pictures showing the transition in our tree this fall and heading into winter:

This first one was taken in early October when the tree was just starting to change.

This one was taken in early November when the tree was completely red.

This one was taken in mid-November after some very windy days cleaned off our tree.

If you look hard you can see a visitor to our tree - a cat!  I think it was after the birds who come to our feeder, but with no leaves to hide in I don't think any birds would have been fooled.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ashe Co. Cheese 1998 and 2011

When Chad and I stayed in West Jefferson for our anniversary this year we visited Ashe Co. Cheese.  When I was a kid the church that my family attended had a retreat site in Blowing Rock, NC and one year we visited Ashe Co. Cheese while we were at our church's retreat.  I'm pretty sure it was 1998 and myself, my friend Nicole, my Mom, my brother Fielding, and another friend Ryan all went together.  When Chad & I went back to Ashe Co. Cheese this year the building had been expanded, but they still had their mouse mascot!  He was inside instead of outside and has been re-painted, so when we got home I started looking for the pictures from my 1998 visit.  I FINALLY found the pictures this week!  So, here is the 1998 and 2011 pictures of Ashe Co. Cheese:

Ryan, my Mom, Nicole, and Fielding with the Ashe Co. Cheese mascot.

Ryan, me, Nicole, and Fielding.

This one is my favorite - me & Fielding whispering to the mouse.

Me with the Ashe Co. Cheese mouse and the expanded store in 2011.

A close up of me and the mouse!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Partylite Candle Show

I have been a big fan of Partylite candles for quite a few years.  When I was in college my Mom actually was a consultant for a few years, so I have a LOT of Partylite stuff!  About every two years or so I have a party so I can get more candles for free.  I had a party on October 16 this year and ended up getting $300 in free stuff!  Here are some pictures from my show and also of all the free stuff I got for hosting a show:

Monday, November 07, 2011

Jay & Carri's Wedding

One of Chad's childhood friends got married on November 5, 2011.  Jay & Carri's wedding was absolutely beautiful!  It was outside, so it was pretty chilly, but the reception was in a heated tent so it wasn't outside the whole time.  Chad & Jay grew up in the same neighborhood, so Chad's Mom Brenda came with us to the wedding.  Also, one of my friends Mark actually officiated the ceremony, so that made it even more special for us.  I was also able to get Chad out on the dance floor which is VERY rare!  Here are some pictures from their beautiful wedding:

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Rosa Lee's Birthday

We went to Wilmington for a quick weekend trip to see my Grandmother Rosa Lee for her birthday.  Normally my Mom comes to NC in October for my Grandmother's birthday, but since my Mom was here so long in April and May when my Grandmother was recovering from her hip replacement surgery she wasn't able to come back this October.  So, Chad & I wanted to go visit my Grandmother and celebrate her birthday with her.  The weather was overcast and cold while we were there, but I still love going to Wilmington any time of the year.  Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween

We always get our Halloween pumpkin from Hodges Farm.  It's one of the only working farms left in Mecklenburg county.  Here are pictures from me & Chad's trip to Hodges Farm, carving our pumpkin, and Halloween.