Thursday, July 28, 2011

Animal Pictures

Recently we've come across a few unique animals and were able to get pictures of them - some are from my cell phone so they are not the best quality.

I ate lunch at Panera one day and fed bread to some of the birds in the outside area.  Here is a picture I took with my phone of some of the birds waiting for me to give them more bread!

On our way to the lake with our friends Becca & Jason we saw a rafter of wild turkeys on the side of the road!  We turned around and went back to get some pictures of them.


When I was riding my bike in our neighborhood I saw this box turtle hanging out at the edge of the street.  I took this one with my cell phone too and if I got too close he started to go inside his shell.

This was definitely the coolest thing - we went out to eat and saw a swarm of bees flying around the parking lot.  When we came out they seemed to be gone, but they were actually all swarmed on a tree branch.  We went in and told the restaurant manager, so hopefully they will call a beekeeper to come take the bees.

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