Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Craftiness

I usually try to make a few Christmas gifts each year, but it really depends on what I want to make and how time-consuming it is to make it!  This year I made a few gifts and also a new wreath for our house.  Here are the pictures of my Christmas crafts from this year:

This is the new wreath I made - I'm learning to knit, so that's what inspired this wreath.

This is the tag blanket I made for Braden.

I cross-stitched this set of tropical fish towels for my Mom & Mike.

Tropical fish towel #1.

Tropical fish towel #2.

Tropical fish towel #3.

I also put together calendars in iPhoto on our computer for my Mom, my grandmother, and Chad's parents, grandparents, and sister.  Even though I put them together I didn't physically make them, so I don't consider them "crafts", but they are still very personalized gifts that I really enjoy making each year.

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