Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Katherine Rebecca's debut

Our friends Becca & Jason thought that they couldn't have children and after years of waiting were able to adopt their son, Braden, in 2008. Then in late 2009 they found out they were expecting as well. I was so excited for them because I don't know anyone who wanted children more than Becca & Jason - and now they get to experience both adoption and giving birth! Katherine Rebecca (who will be called Katie) was born June 6th a little before 8am and weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20.75 inches long. Chad & I were able to go visit them in the hospital the next day. Becca didn't feel up to being in the pictures, but here are some pictures of new little Katie!

Welcome Katie!

Jessica holding Katie.

Such a sweet little face.

Chad holding Katie.

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