Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June Vacation with Melanie & Dave

We've been trying to work out a beach vacation with our friends Melanie & Dave for the past year or so.  We were finally able to work out a long weekend when we could all go to Wrightsville.  We packed a lot into our long weekend, but had a great time.  I think I want to try to take our future beach vacations in June because the water was just perfect!  We hung out on the beach, borrowed my Aunt & Uncle's kayak's and canoe, toured the Oak Island Lighthouse, took the ferry over to Ft. Fisher and went to the aquarium as well.  We also just tried to relax and hang out on the beach too.  Here are some pictures from this vacation!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The best part of my drive home from work

When I got reassigned to the Freedom library my commute is a little longer and much less scenic - I basically take I-85 most of the way.  So, now the best part of my commute home is when I get to Hodges Dairy Farm.  Not only do I get a nicer view, but I get to see the cows who are usually out when I'm coming home.  One day I had my camera with me and stopped to take a few quick pictures.  Here are the Hodges cows who greet me every day on my way back home!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Katherine Rebecca's debut

Our friends Becca & Jason thought that they couldn't have children and after years of waiting were able to adopt their son, Braden, in 2008. Then in late 2009 they found out they were expecting as well. I was so excited for them because I don't know anyone who wanted children more than Becca & Jason - and now they get to experience both adoption and giving birth! Katherine Rebecca (who will be called Katie) was born June 6th a little before 8am and weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20.75 inches long. Chad & I were able to go visit them in the hospital the next day. Becca didn't feel up to being in the pictures, but here are some pictures of new little Katie!

Welcome Katie!

Jessica holding Katie.

Such a sweet little face.

Chad holding Katie.

Sandy Pictures

Here are some new pictures of Sandy. She loves to look out the windows - especially to watch the birds at the feeder!

Back Yard Garden

This year Chad and I decided to make the most of what little yard we have and put 3 raised beds in our back yard. Chad built the beds and put together the soil mix based on the book Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. We planted lettuce, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, basil, broccoli, lima beans, kidney beans, pie pumpkins, and LOTS of okra. Here are a few pictures of our garden:

The seeds are just starting to sprout.

Roxy checks out the garden progress.

Less than 3 weeks after planting - pretty large plants have developed!

May Vacation Part I

In the last few years I've decided that whenever my Mom comes to NC I will try to take a week off work so that we can spend time together.  She is only able to come about twice a year right now, so I definitely want to take advantage of the time we can spend together.  When she came in May Chad and I spent a week in Wilmington with her and enjoying the beach.  Here are some pictures from our time in Wilmington:

May Vacation Part II

While we were in Wilmington with Mom we decided to go down to Myrtle Beach and visit the aqarium there and also check out some of the outlet shopping.  Here are our pictures from the aquarium:

Mom came back to Charlotte for the end of her trip.  Here are some pictures from when she was here:

Wedding Dress 10 Years Later

When we celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year I decided to see if I can still fit into my dress - and as you can see from the pictures below I can!  The veil was a little crinkly from storage, but otherwise everything was in great shape after 10 years.

This one shows off the new anniversary tattoo as well.

Jess & Chad in his top hat from the wedding.