Saturday, March 13, 2010

First 7 days of fasting

Our church is doing a series right now on the Lent season that comes before Easter.  Some people fast from something for 40 days before Easter, but our pastor challenged us to fast from something for 21 days.  It could be anything we wanted it to be and for any length of time.  Chad and I decided to fast from something different each week of the 21 days and he was also going to fast from politics for the whole time (YES!). 

The first week we decided to fast from eating meat.  I have always wanted to try to eat less meat and then use our grocery money to buy local meat that wasn't raised in a factory farm, but hadn't really made that happen yet.  I didn't think Chad would want to do the meat fast, but he was on board so that's what we did for the past week.  And honestly it was MUCH easier than I thought it would be.  The only real issue came when we did eat out because we had to think about where we could both get something meat-free that we both liked - we ended up eating at Panera 3 times!  I think we both enjoyed all the meals we made at home too.  Because of this we are now going to try to eat less meat overall and hopefully I can eventually work in my goal of buying more local meat too. 

So, first week down and now onto the second fast - TV.  I am ashamed to admit that I think this will be the hardest one for me, but on the plus side if the weather is nice hopefully we'll get outside and walk more in the evenings and I think we'll get a LOT of reading done too.

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