Friday, June 05, 2009

Sinus Surgery

I had sinus surgery (correct a deviated septum and remove a polyp) on May 26th. The surgery went really well and I've been doing great ever since. The doctor said that once everything is fully healed I should be able to tell a big improvement in my breathing. While I was recovering my family and Chad's family did a lot to help us out. My mom sent me a care package that was full of fun stuff for me and Chad to enjoy while I was recovering and my dad sent me the beautiful flowers that are pictured below! My brother and his girlfriend brought us some food one night and Chad's mom fixed some of our favorite dishes and brought them over after my surgery so Chad wouldn't have to cook that night. Also, my co-workers sent me a nice card with a gift card to Outback inside! I had lots of cards and gifts from friends and family and it really meant a lot to me while I was home recovering from surgery. So, thanks again everyone!

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