Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Doubt Concert!!!

This year for our anniversary I asked Chad for tickets to go see No Doubt for my gift. I have always like No Doubt and this is the 3rd time I've seen them and the 2nd with Chad. When we were on our honeymoon in Prince Edward Island we bought their newest CD at the time Return of Saturn and listened to it all the time. Then that same year we saw them on their Return of Saturn tour too. So, No Doubt has kind of been part of our marriage and I was very excited that they were touring again. I've added some pictures that I borrowed from Flickr - as you can see this person had MUCH better seats than us!

Here's a picture of Gwen Stefani - still in awesome shape at 40 years old!
Here's a picture of the whole band at the end of the show.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chad's family reunion in Blairsville, GA

Garden update

This is our first year doing a vegetable garden. So far we've only gotten 2 squash and 1 zucchini and some of our plants are starting to look rough. I'm not sure what we're doing wrong, but our tomato plants look really good and have lots of tomatoes that we're just waiting for them to ripen. Hopefully we'll get some more veggies from it this summer and we're already working on planning out next year's garden!

Here are the flowers we planted at our house - we planted 2 yellow and 2 purple Lantana, but for some reason on the yellow ones are blooming right now.

A different kind of mail

Every year we have birds build their nest in our paperbox. This year we've had 2 nests of baby birds so far! I'm pretty sure it's bluebirds because this year I've seen the parents more. Here's a picture of the babies in their nest.

Friday, June 05, 2009

May 09 Cat pictures

Here are Roxy and Sandy being sweet and cuddling together.

Here are both cats laying on Chad!

The Shiele Museum

I wanted to do something fun the weekend before my surgery to keep my mind off it. We originally wanted to go to the NC Zoo in Asheboro, but it rained off and on the whole weekend, so we didn't want to take that chance. In the end we decided to go to the Shiele Museum since they have both outdoor and indoor exhibits. Here are some of the animals in the reproduction of an 18th Century Farmhouse.

The sheep had recently been shorn - they do it as a live exhibit the old fashioned way with shears, but obviously we missed that.

Chad & Jessica at the Shiele Museum

Here is Chad in front of the replica of an 18th Century Farmhouse.

Here is Jessica on the nature trail.

Here is a picture of both of us on the nature trail.

Wild Animals at the Shiele Museum

While we walked the nature trail at the Shiele Museum we saw a bunch of turtles at the pond.

We also saw lots of squirrels running around in the trees.

Inside the Shiele Museum

The Shiele Museum is a museum of natural history, so they have a lot of recreations of historical things and events. When you first walk inside there is a replica of a T-Rex skeleton.

They also have a lot of animal dioramas that depict animals in their native habitat. Here is the American West Buffalo diorama.

Here is the American Southwest diorama with wild pigs.

Chad & I as sea creatures

The Shiele Museum was hosting an Ocean exhibit when we went, so of course Chad & I had to pose in the shark and octopus cut-outs!

Sea Horses at the Shiele Museum

Here are some really good pictures of the sea horses that were part of the Ocean exhibit at the Shiele Museum. The tank they were in was kind of small so I was able to get some good close pictures.

Sinus Surgery

I had sinus surgery (correct a deviated septum and remove a polyp) on May 26th. The surgery went really well and I've been doing great ever since. The doctor said that once everything is fully healed I should be able to tell a big improvement in my breathing. While I was recovering my family and Chad's family did a lot to help us out. My mom sent me a care package that was full of fun stuff for me and Chad to enjoy while I was recovering and my dad sent me the beautiful flowers that are pictured below! My brother and his girlfriend brought us some food one night and Chad's mom fixed some of our favorite dishes and brought them over after my surgery so Chad wouldn't have to cook that night. Also, my co-workers sent me a nice card with a gift card to Outback inside! I had lots of cards and gifts from friends and family and it really meant a lot to me while I was home recovering from surgery. So, thanks again everyone!