Tuesday, May 12, 2009


On our way back from the grocery store Melanie's car broke down. Fortunately we have AAA, but we still waited on the side of the interstate for an hour before they came. Even more fortunately Melanie's brother lives about 10 minutes away from where we were staying and we were able to cram into the cab of the tow truck and drop the brokendown car at his house and borrow an extra vehicle to get home in. It's never fun to break down, especially on the side of the interstate, but we were very fortunate in a lot of ways that it wasn't much, much worse.

Here's a picture of Melanie's brokendown car.

Here's a picture of our rescuer gettting ready to tow the car.

Here are the four of us crammed into the tow truck cab - and I do mean crammed!

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