Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vegetable Garden

This year Chad & I decided to try our hands at having a vegetable garden. Since we're in a townhouse and don't really have a yard, Chad's parents offered us the use of their yard. I hope it's successful - we planted tomatoes, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, catalope and basil. Here's a picture of Chad getting ready to work on the garden space.

Here I am planting our veggies.

Here's Chad watering our new garden.

9 Year Anniversary!

April 29, 2009 marked me & Chad's 9 year anniversary! I can hardly believe we've been married that long. Each year just keeps getting better though! Here are the roses Chad got me for our anniversary.

Here's a picture of us on our front porch from the day we celebrated our anniversary with a late lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (thanks for the gift card Mom!).

Mountain Mini-Vacation

We decided to take a mini-vacation with our friends Melanie & Dave to the NC mountains. We ended up finding a great deal on this cabin in Saluda, NC (about 20 minutes away from Hendersonville). Our cabin was called Buzzard Roost - here's a picture of it.

This was the view from the cabin's front porch.

Here's the main bedroom.

Saluda, NC

Saluda has a great little downtown area with shops, cafes and other places to hang out. As a Librarian I like to find the library if I can and check it out. The Saluda library was pretty small, and here's a picture of me in front of the window/sign.

Here are me & Chad by a little garden area in downtown Saluda.

I got this awesome cat clock in a store in Saluda. We had already left the shop when I noticed it in the display window, so we went back in and asked about it. It meows on the hour too! We promptly hung it up as soon as we got home, but we did have to turn off the meowing feature because it was really freaking out the real cats at home!


On our way back from the grocery store Melanie's car broke down. Fortunately we have AAA, but we still waited on the side of the interstate for an hour before they came. Even more fortunately Melanie's brother lives about 10 minutes away from where we were staying and we were able to cram into the cab of the tow truck and drop the brokendown car at his house and borrow an extra vehicle to get home in. It's never fun to break down, especially on the side of the interstate, but we were very fortunate in a lot of ways that it wasn't much, much worse.

Here's a picture of Melanie's brokendown car.

Here's a picture of our rescuer gettting ready to tow the car.

Here are the four of us crammed into the tow truck cab - and I do mean crammed!

We are gonna relax like crazy!

When we were all crammed in the tow truck cab Chad said that when we got back to the cabin "we are gonna relax like crazy!" We all thought that was hilarious, but when we did get back we basically colapsed for awhile, but then Chad started working on the fire pit so we could make s'mores. Here's a picture of Chad intently working on the fire - complete with head lamp to find small brush in the woods in the dark!

Pearson Waterfall

Right outside downtown Saluda there are the Pearson Waterfalls. It's a really neat area with lots of picnic areas along the trail toward the falls. If we go back there again we'll bring a picnic lunch, but here are some pictures we took along the way to the waterfall.

Here's Melanie & Dave along the trail.

Here's me & Chad at a bridge.

More Pearson Waterfall Pictures

Here are some more pictures from the Pearson Waterfall area. Here's me & Chad by a big rock at one of the picnic areas.

Here is the Pearson Waterfall.

Here's Chad standing on a big rock by the waterfall.