Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jessica's Birthday Trip

For my birthday this year Chad & I both took the day off work and we decided to go to the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. It is a drive through park with all kinds of animals - both "regualar" and exotic. They also have a petting zoo area and some other animals that you can look at, but not pet. Because most people feed these animals while they drive through, when you drive up they all come running hoping that you have food for them. Here is one of the llamas looking at Chad and hoping for some food.

Here is some kind of deer/antelope thing looking in my window for food.

There were also a lot of emu and ostriches and they come right up to the car too. Here's a picture of an ostrich with some baby ostriches - the baby ones were cute, but the adults kindof freaked me out.

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