Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Reading Re-cap for 2007

Most people who know me know that I read all the time. I read a variety of fiction, non-fiction and even young adult books too. For the past few years I've been keeping track of all the books that I read each year. So, last night I was adding up my total for 2007 and I read a grand total of 76 books! Here are my favorite 10 books that I read in 2007, these may not have been newly published in 2007, but they were my top 10 books for the year:


Tolstoy Lied: a Love Story by Rachel Kadish
Mouse Guard Fall 1152 by David Peterson (this is a graphic novel, which usually I don't read, but this is incredible)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Still Summer by Jacqueline Mitchard
The Last Summer (of You & Me) by Ann Brashares


The Feminine Mistake by Leslie Bennetts
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
If I Am Missing, or Dead by Janine Latus
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ringing in 2008

Here's how I spent New Year's Eve - two cats on my lap! We actually had some friends over for New Year's, but we forgot to take any pictures. Chad took this picture when I was hanging out on the couch with the cats before our friends arrived. Happy New Year from Sandy & Roxy!

Me & Biltmore

Here's a picture Chad took of me in front of the Biltmore house - I thought he did a great job with this picture and if you look closely you can see the beautiful diamond star necklace I'm wearing that Chad surprised me with for my Christmas present.

More Biltmore pictures

Here are me & Chad in front of one of the lions at Biltmore's entrance.

Here are our friends Dave & Melanie who we went to Biltmore with.

Christmas at the Biltmore House

We went to see the Christmas decorations at the Biltmore House the weekend after Christmas. Of course it was beautiful, but you are no longer allowed to take pictures inside (when Chad and I went about 5 years ago you could).

Here's a view of the "backyard" of the Biltmore House.

Karissa's Critters

For her Christmas gift we gave Karissa a set of Calico Critters, which are very similar to some toys I had when I was a kid called Sylvanians. I loved those things and Karissa seems to love her Calico Critters just as much.

Our neices at Christmas

Here are our neices, Kathyrn & Karissa, with their mom Chad's sister Amy. Both of the girls got High School Musical blankets and new pajamas and robes for Christmas. So, this is them all piled up in some of their gifts.

Here is Kathryn & Karissa with uncle Chad.

Christmas dinner with Chad's family

Here is Chad's grandmother Ruby holding up the gift we gave her.

Here is Chad's mom Brenda holding up the gift we gave her - and one of our neices Kathryn is in the foreground.

More family pictures

Here are me & Chad on Christmas Day.

Here is my brother Fielding and his girlfriend Sky - Tom, a family friend, was also there for Christmas Day lunch with us, but he took all of these pictures so I don't have a picture of him to post!

Christmas with my family

Here is my Dad opening up his gift from me, Chad & Fielding.

Here is Chad, me, my Dad and my brother Fielding.

Christmas lunch

Here is our dining table all set for Christmas lunch with my family.

More of our Christmas decorations

Here are our Christmas stockings.

Here is our card tree and some other Christmas decorations.

Carolina Guy

Here is Chad, the ultimate Carolina Guy, in his new Panthers Jersey holding one of his Tarheels freezer mugs (both Christmas gifts from me).

Merry Christmas!

Here are Sandy and Roxy playing with one of their new Christmas toys.

Here is Sandy resting after playing with their new Christmas toys.

Future Christmas Card?

Here is a picture we took on Christmas Eve (thanks to a timer on our camera) of us and the cats in front of our Christmas tree. I was surprised at how easy it was to take this picture with both of the cats kindof looking toward the camera. This may be our Christmas card for next year - we always get the Christmas cards with pictures of our friends kids, but Sandy and Roxy are our "kids" so we want everyone to see them too!

Christmas cats

This picture is a little blurry for some reason, but I'm putting it up because it's the only picture I got of both the cats under the tree (Roxy is kindof behind the pole/trunk of the tree).

Here's a better picture of Roxy under the tree.

Roxy and the new bag

My friend Nicole gave me and Chad each a handmade bag for Christmas. Nicole has three cats and they were sitting on us and our gifts when we were at her house to exchange gifts. So, when I brought my bag home Roxy was almost inside it trying to check it out. Both of the cats have to meticulously check everything new that comes into the house, but I think Roxy was even more interested in these bags because she could smell Nicole's cats on it.