Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sleeping Sandy

I was finally able to get a picture of Sandy sleeping. Most of the time when I try to take a picture of the cats when they're asleep they immediately wake up and look at me. But, I was able to capture Sandy's sleeping face. I may even try to submit this to Cute Overload!

Here's a close-up of the same picture.

The best church ever!

This past weekend our church celebrated it's 15th anniversary. Chad and I have been going to Mecklenburg Community Church for the past 5 years. We absolutely LOVE it - it is the best church I have ever attended. I always tell everyone that this church is the best thing that has happened to me spiritually other than salvation. Our pastor, Jim White, is incredibly intellectual and has written a number of books, but is still very understandable and is probably one of the best speakers I have ever heard. He can effortlessly break down the most complicated theology so that anyone can understand. Chad serves on the worship team and the music is great too (very rock 'n roll - not hymnals)! Our church focuses on people who do not currently attend church, so a large percentage of our members have never attended church before - sadly this is not the case with many churches today. I always tell people (especially people who don't currently attend church) that Meck is NOT like what you might think of when you think of "church". I am so happy to attend such a great church where I can honestly say I really look forward to attending each week and I have met some really great friends!

Such a great husband!!!

This past Friday when I came home from work Chad had these roses waiting for me! There was no reason other than the fact that Chad is the best husband ever! They are so pretty and have just opened up more and more all week - and the cats haven't eaten them either!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cats in the sun

Now that's it has finally cooled off some we're opening the windows more - after Chad mended the screens that the cats had pushed out. Sandy loves to sit in the window when we have it open.

Here is one of Roxy's favorite spots recently. I realized yesterday why she has been sitting here so much. I have a small houseplant on the dining room table and yesterday I caught her in the act of eating the leaves! So, she hangs out in the chair until she thinks we're not looking or we're gone and then she hops up on the table to eat my plant - no wonder it had been looking so rough recently!

Lounging cats

Roxy absolutely loves the Tarheel's blanket I made Chad for Christmas last year. It was so covered in her fur that once we got it clean we took it off the chair so she wouldn't sit on it anymore. But, after much trying she was able to work her way back onto the blanket.

Here's Sandy lounging on the couch.

Putting me to work too!

Since I had Labor Day off work Chad had me come work with him!

He also insisted that I drive the forklift too!

I won't be giving up my day job or anything - just helping him get his business started. I am way too spoiled by working indoors with AC/Heating year-round!

Laboring on Labor Day

Here is Chad driving a forklift at one of the companies he contracts for.

Since Chad had just started his business he didn't want to not work on Labor Day, so here he is hard at work on the holiday created for laborers to have a day off!

Chad's new business

At the end of August Chad officially started C & J Services - his own business. He is basically doing what he was already doing, just for himself. He cleans and repairs mobile offices and now contracts with trailer companies instead of being an employee. I surprised him with some shirts embroidered with the business name - this is one of them in the picture. Chad & I are both very excited about this new business venture!

Sandy vs. the balloon

In a previous post I showed a picture of Chad with his birthday balloon - well, these are the pictures of Sandy attacking the balloon strings. She had already chewed on one of the strings before the balloon started losing air. She and Roxy finally pulled it to the ground and popped it - which scared them both pretty well!

Sandy watches TV

You can't tell from this picture, but I was watching the Animal Planet channel and Sandy became VERY interested in the sounds of the animals coming from the TV. Any time I have the TV on Animal Planet Sandy stops what she is doing to "watch".