Wednesday, August 08, 2018

August 2017 Beach Vacation

We spent a week at beautiful Wrightsville Beach for our vacation this year. Ever since we bought our beach tent a few years ago it's made our beach vacations so much better because we can spend more time out on the beach without worrying about getting burned. This year Chad worked with my Mom to surprise me with FOUR beautiful bouquets of flowers in our room when we checked in! It was a great surprise and really started our vacation off great. Here are some pictures from our beach vacation:

Part I - the flowers and day one of our vacation.

Part 2 - rainy start to the day so we went to the Ft. Fisher Aquarium.

Part 3 - beach pics.

Part 4 - we got up early to watch the sunrise on the beach - TOTALLY worth it!

Part 5 - more beach pics.