Friday, November 28, 2014

Other October Pictures

At the end of the gardening season we bought 2 boxes of tomatoes from Barbee Farms to can.  We did half as just canned tomatoes and half as tomato sauce.  Over the summer I made homemade tomato sauce from the tomatoes from our garden at home and it was the best sauce I've ever had and the only ingredients were tomatoes, onion, garlic and spices.  Tomatoes are probably the most time consuming food to can, but it's worth it in the end.

Canned tomatoes and sauce from one box of tomatoes.

Canned tomatoes and sauce from the second box of tomatoes.

Got all this at Harris Teeter on Oct. 17th for $48 and SAVED $43 with coupons and super-doubles!

On Oct. 23 we got to attend our nieces' chorus concert for school.  Our younger niece Karissa is on the left and is in 8th grade and our older niece Kathryn is on the right and is in 10th grade.

October Cat Pictures

Here are Sandy and Roxy "helping" me with the new fleece blanket I made.

The cats helping break in the new blanket.

Just being cute snuggling on the bed together.

October Concerts

This October we lucked out and were able to go to 3 concerts!  There are usually a few good concerts in the fall around my birthday and this year going to see Jimmy Eat World was part of my birthday gift from Chad.  Here are pictures from the 3 concerts we went to in October:

The first concert was David Crowder on Oct. 6th.  David Crowder is one of the most talented and unique musicians around in my opinion.  We've been lucky enough to see him a few other times.  This tour was for his newest album Neon Steeple, which is my favorite of his albums.  He put on a really great show and I'm really glad we were able to go.  Here are the pictures from that concert.

The second concert was Flyleaf on Oct. 11th at the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro, NC. We were lucky enough to see Flyleaf in September of 2010 with the original lead singer Lacey. They are one of my favorite bands and one of my tattoos has a quote from one of their songs. I knew they had a new lead singer and new album out. I liked the album OK, but it wasn't the same without Lacey in my opinion. We hadn't been to the Cat's Cradle before and we did like the venue. We also found a great soul food restaurant called Mama Dips nearby that had GREAT food. The concert was good, but I don't love the new singer and she really doesn't do justice to the older Flyleaf songs. I also felt like the band's performance was very coordinated and showy. I've seen tons of concerts and seen band members get really into the music, but this just seemed over the top and like a planned performance. The guitar player and bass player were running and jumping so much that if it wasn't planned they would have run into each other or jumped on another band member! That was off-putting for me because it didn't seem genuine. I still like Flyleaf, but I'm REALLY glad we got to see them with the original lead singer the first time.

The third concert was the one I was looking forward to the most - Jimmy Eat World at the Lincoln Theater in Raleigh, NC. This was our 5th time seeing Jimmy Eat World and they are probably my favorite band. The always put on a great show and really get into it. This tour was for the 10th anniversary of their Futures album, which is probably my favorite of their albums. For the show they played the whole Futures album all the way through, then did 2 encores where they played a bunch of their other songs. Overall it was about a 2 hour show which was great. A band called the Minibosses opened for them and they were probably the most unique band I've ever heard - all their songs had no lyrics and were based on Nintendo games! Yes, really. It was crazy, but very entertaining. The actual concert was awesome, but I really did not like the venue at all. The show was originally supposed to be somewhere else and was moved to the Lincoln Theater. The show was sold out, but I think the venue had to be way past fire code capacity. I wish I had taken some pictures to show how crowded it was - I've never been to any show with so many people crammed into the venue like that. Thankfully we got there early enough to get a decent spot, but I don't think I'll go back there. What sucks even more was after I bought these tickets they added a few more shows to the tour including one at the Orange Peel in Asheville, NC which is an AWESOME venue - I wish I had waited and got tickets for that show instead. Even though I didn't like the venue the actual concert was great and Jimmy Eat World put on a fantastic show!