Thursday, November 14, 2013

House Updates

I really thought when we moved into our new house we would get so much done in the first year, but time goes by so quickly and there is still SO much I want to do.  We've only painted two rooms in our house and we still haven't hung up all the pictures and artwork either.  Here are a few pictures of some recent updates we did in our house (before pictures to come shortly):

We revamped our guest room with new paint and a new duvet cover.  We also moved my craft table into the guest room.  Here are a few pictures of the newly updated guest room:

When we bought our house the kitchen had a stove top and a separate wall oven.  The wall oven was so tiny I didn't think I even had any pans that would fit in it!  So, the very first thing we did was take out the stove top and install a new range.  I wanted to take out the old wall oven and add shelves for my cookbooks.  Chad took out the wall oven and converted the space to hold our microwave and a shelf for cookbooks.  Unfortunately we never took a good picture of the wall oven before it was removed, but here's the converted space:

Fall 2013 Pictures

I love fall in our neighborhood.  With so many trees, it is just beautiful when the leaves start to change color.  I don't love having to deal with all the fallen leaves, but it's worth it to have the shade and see the changing fall colors.  Also, my Mom usually comes to NC in October/November for my Grandmother's birthday.  Here are some pictures from fall and my Mom's visit to our house:

Friday, November 01, 2013

Fall Cat Pictures

Here are a few pictures of the cats this fall:

Roxy and Sandy relaxing on our bed.

Sandy sleeping on the very edge of the chair.

I have also been trying to get a video of Chad and Roxy dancing.  It sounds crazy, but she LOVES to dance with him and will do it for a really long time.  These two videos are pretty short, but they show off Roxy's dance skills!

Halloween 2013

Normally we carve a pumpkin every year for Halloween, but this year we just did not have time to go to the pumpkin patch and get a pumpkin.  In our new neighborhood the only child is a newborn so we don't have trick-or-treaters anyway.  I also had to work Halloween night.  Originally I wasn't going to dress up because I really didn't have time to come up with a costume, but when I was getting dressed that morning I had an idea.  So, I decided to be a Plaid Cat!

Me as a Plaid Cat!

Roxy and the Plaid Cat.

There were two other cats at work on Halloween.

October Beach Trip

My Mom lives in Hawaii now and she usually comes back to NC twice a year.  She usually tries to come in October for my Grandmother's birthday.  This year, unfortunately, my Grandmother's brother passed away not long after my Mom got to NC.  But, it was fortunate in a way because Chad & I were already planning to come to Wilmington to see my Mom and Grandmother, so we were also able to be there for my great-uncle's funeral too.  Even with the funeral we still had a great time being at the beach and seeing family.  Here are a few pictures from our October beach trip: