Saturday, August 25, 2012

Roxy and Sandy at the New House

Roxy and Sandy did very well with our move.  We kept them confined to a room in our townhouse while we moved all our stuff out, then came back to get them once we had unloaded most of our stuff into the new house.  Then we kept them confined to our bedroom in the new house for the first two days.  After that we let them explore the new house.  At first they were more skittish and kept running back to our room to hide under the bed every time they heard a noise.  Now they've really settled in and are enjoying the new house just as much as we are.  Here are some pictures of the cats in our new house:

Enjoying Our New House

The previous owner of our house did a lot of updates and upgrades so there weren't any major things we needed to work on right away.  In the kitchen there was a cook top and separate wall oven, which would have been OK, but the oven was so tiny I don't think any of my pans would have fit in it!  So, we decided to buy a new range and Chad and one of the guys who works for him Jarren, removed the cook top and installed the new range the weekend we moved in.  Chad also immediately started working on building a work bench area in the basement so that he would have a space set up to start working on household projects.  Here are some pictures the updates we did to our new house:

Here are some other pictures of us enjoying our new house!

Our Dream House!!!

When we found this house we knew immediately that it was everything we wanted and more!  Chad originally saw the house listed online, but before we could go see it it went "under contract", but then a month or so later it was back on the market because the financing fell through with the last contract.  We saw the house on a Friday and by Monday we had made an offer and it was accepted - then we had to start the mountain of paperwork for the loan.  Thankfully we had a wonderful realtor and mortgage lender who helped us navigate this process since it had been over 8 years since we had purchased our townhouse.  At the end of July we closed on our new house!  It's a brick ranch with a full basement on 3 acres - we were hoping for a brick ranch on at least half an acre and a basement would have been a huge bonus, so this was everything we were looking for and MORE.  We are so excited to finally be in our dream house!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Change of Plans...

While our house was for sale we were looking at other houses so if our townhouse sold we would have other houses in mind that we might want to buy.  So, we found our dream house and loved it so much that we saw it on a Friday and had made an offer on it the following Monday - our offer was accepted the same day.  So, we decided to keep our townhouse and rent it out and buy our dream house.  We had always thought about trying to keep our townhouse, but wanted to at least try to sell it first.  We just couldn't pass up the opportunity for our dream house!  So, we had a slight change of plans...and now we're packing up our townhouse and putting it up for rent.

When we decided to try to sell our house we planted ornamental flowers in our garden beds.  I posted pictures a few months ago right after we planted them.  So, for the last pictures from our townhouse I wanted to show how much those flowers have grown.  It's been a few years since we grew ornamental flowers and I think at our next house we'll have plenty of room for both a vegetable garden AND some ornamentals!

Our townhouse back "yard."

The lantana really got big!

A butterfly on the lantana.

The other flowers that I can't remember the name of.