Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June Fun

We were able to attend our younger niece Karissa's 5th grade graduation ceremony.  We found out about it at the last minute, but thankfully Chad & I were able to go into work a little late so we could be there.  Here are some pictures from her graduation:

We were also able to attend the birthday party for Braden and Katie - the kids of our good friends Becca and Jason. Braden turns 4 in July and Katie turned 2 in June. Luckily their party was the night before we left for vacation so we were able to squeeze that in and start our vacation off with a great birthday party. Here are some pictures from that evening:

May Bird and Cat Pictures

Here are some pictures from our bird feeder and of the cats from the month of May.  We finally had a goldfinch come visit and we've had lots of cardinals come by which makes me very happy!

Sandy looking cute sleeping behind the blanket basket.

Roxy looking out the sun room windows.