Monday, May 07, 2012

Dating, Wedding, and Honeymoon old pictures

I was inspired by our 12 year wedding anniversary to pull out some old pictures and scan them onto our computer.  I can't believe it's been 12 years that we've been married and looking back at the pictures from when we were dating we look like babies!  Here are some pictures of us when we were dating, from our wedding (mostly candid shots that friends took), and from our honeymoon in Prince Edward Island, Canada:

Pictures from when we were dating

Pictures from our wedding at the Latimer House in downtown Wilmington, NC

Pictures from our honeymoon in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Saturday, May 05, 2012

12 Year Wedding Anniversary

This April Chad & I have been married for 12 years!  I still can't believe it's been that long.  We decided to just stay home this year and not go away for our anniversary.  We went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and Chad got me a beautiful Tommy Hilfiger bracelet.  I'm getting him a new ipod since I accidentally washed his in the washing machine a few months ago.  We also took a trip to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC.  I hadn't been to that zoo since I was a teenager.  Honestly, it was just OK.  The Asheboro Zoo is MUCH, MUCH nicer and I would definitely recommend it over Riverbanks.  We did have a good time though and it's always cool to get to see lots of animals.  The best part was when we went to the Galapagos tortoise area and two of the tortoises had recently had 5 babies - these were the FIRST live birth Galapagos tortoises in the zoo's history!  So, it was really cool to get to see that.  And there was a nice walking trail through some woods to get from the zoo to the botanical garden and we really enjoyed that part too.  Here are some pictures from our Riverbanks Zoo visit:

Hoping and Praying...

We've gone back and forth over the past few years about whether to try to sell our house or try to keep it as an investment and rent it out.  We've met with realtors a few times and even gone to look at other houses, but always decided to just wait a little longer.  So, now we've finally decided to put it on the market!  We are really hoping and praying that it sells soon and we can FINALLY get into a house with a yard and a garage.

Since we decided to put our house on the market we ended up planting flowers in our newly renovated garden beds.  I will REALLY miss our garden this year, but it's a small sacrifice to get closer to having a house where we can really garden on a much larger scale.

Cardinals are BACK!!!

A few months ago I decided to buy some "better" birdseed from Petsmart for my bird feeder.  Well, apparently none of my birds liked it because only Mockingbirds were eating it!  So, I finally gave away that "better" birdseed and got some from Lowe's.  We had Cardinals come by sometimes before and I wanted to try to draw them back so I got the "songbird Cardinal mix" and it worked!  Here are some of the pictures of Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal that I've taken in the last week or two.