Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Reflections

This Christmas season I was reminded of something we don't often focus on - how God purposely uses "lowly" people to shine through.  First my church did a series in December leading up to Christmas called "The Mother of God" that focused on the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Most people are familiar with the nativity story and as someone who grew up going to church it's easy to overlook things and just remember a familiar story.  I learned a few things I didn't know from this series, like the fact that Joseph probably took Mary with him to Bethlehem to spare her from the gossiping since she was pregnant before they were officially married.  Also, that the part in the story where the shepherds follow the star and visit Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus would not have been a good thing - in that day shepherds were considered the lowest class of people and they were not even allowed to testify in court, so their visit would have been seen by most people of that time as something bad.  I also learned that when Joseph and Mary took Jesus to be presented in the temple after 30 days they were so poor that they had to get special permission from the priests to sacrifice a pair of doves instead of the typical lamb.

This reminded me that God does everything for a reason and every aspect of Jesus' birth was done to make a point.  In Isaiah Jesus' birth is prophesied and he is described as "...[having] no form or majesty that we should look at him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.  He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity; and as one from whom others hide their faces he was despised, and we held him of no account." (Isaiah 53: 2b-3).  God did all of this purposely because if Jesus came from a wealthy family or royalty then the common people wouldn't be able to relate to Him at all.  People would say He was who He was because of a privileged background, but He came to lift up the broken and humble the mighty.  If He came from a family that was "something" that would have been the focus not God.  One of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 12:9 that says "My grace is sufficient for you; my strength is made perfect in weakness."  If God used strong, powerful people to fulfill His will people might not see God in it, but when He uses weak, lowly, despised people it is obvious that something beyond that person is at work.

The second thing that reminded me of all this was an annual Christmas concert that my church hosts called "Behold the Lamb of God" which was written by Andrew Peterson.  Chad & I have gone to this concert for 6 years now and every year I'm reminded of how powerful it is.  Andrew Peterson basically decided to write a Christmas concert that really focused on Jesus.  He starts in the Old Testament and the prophecies about the Messiah who was to come and goes all the way through the birth of Jesus.  Not only is Andrew Peterson and the other musicians who join him extremely talented, but the songs and the perspective of the Christmas story is very powerful and moving.  This has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions.

So the combination of this series at church and the "Behold the Lamb of God" concert just really reiterated to me how God does everything for a reason and it's all to try to bring us to Him.  One of my friends recently posted a quote on Facebook from a Penn Jilette book that was talking about how if every religion was wiped out with no trace it would never be recreated the same again - more nonsense might be created, but not the exact same nonsense, whereas if all the scientific discoveries were wiped out science is true so it would eventually be rediscovered.  While I agree that "religion" does not always represent God well, I don't agree that anything to do with God is nonsense.  God has been revealing Himself to us since the beginning of time and He will continue to do so.  Humans tend to screw things up even with the best of intentions, but that doesn't mean that God isn't real.  There are so many layers to God that we'll never be able to comprehend with our small human minds.  But, yet He is always there showing us that He is at work in our lives and everything down to the smallest detail was done for a purpose.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas at our house

We had a very relaxing Christmas this year.  I had 4 days off work and even though we saw a lot of family, it was very relaxing to have that time off.  Christmas Eve is when Chad & I do a lot of our traditions.  We go to the Christmas Eve service at church, eat dinner at Outback, then drive around looking at Christmas lights.  When we get back home we watch the movie "The Family Stone."  On Christmas Day we open our gifts and we also have some gifts for the cats too.  Here are some pictures from our Christmas at home and also a short video of Sandy & Roxy playing with new toys and hiding in wrapping paper:

Christmas with Family

This year for Christmas my Dad and Grandmother came up on Friday December 23 and we had our Christmas with my family that night.  It was really good to see both my Dad and my Grandmother and get to have our Christmas celebration a little early.  Then we saw Chad's family on Christmas Day at his Grandmother Ruby's house.  Here are pictures from both Christmas celebrations with our families:

Christmas Concert and Light Show

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to see the Behold the Lamb of God concert at our church.  This is a very unique Christmas concert in that the songs tell the story of Christ's birth from the Old Testament all the way through Christ's birth.  Andrew Peterson is the singer/songwriter who created this awesome concert.  The concert features Andrew Peterson and quite a few other musicians, singer/songwriters, etc.  The first half of the concert is the individual artists performing some of their work, then the second half is the Behold the Lamb of God songs.  It is so powerful and moving and it's one of my absolute favorite Christmas traditions.  This year I brought my camera and took a few pictures from the concert:

This year we also went with our friends Adam and Tiffany to see the light show at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. You drive through a light display and then actually get to drive on the Speedway track. It was VERY crowded when we went and we waited over an hour to get to the lights, then it took almost another 2 hours to get through all of it. It was OK, and I probably wouldn't go again, but we really enjoyed hanging out with Adam and Tiffany. Here are some pictures we took:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Friends Christmas Party

For the past few years we've had a Christmas party with some of our friends.  We've known these friends for years now and this has become one of our Christmas traditions.  We have a potluck meal and do a white elephant game with Christmas ornaments.  It's a lot of fun and now that some of our friends have kids we get to see the kids open up some gifts and just hang out with everyone.  Here are pictures from this year's party:

Christmas Cats

Sandy and Roxy LOVE to hang out under our Christmas tree.  Thankfully for the most part they leave the ornaments alone and don't try to climb the tree or anything.  They just like being under the tree.  Here are a few pictures of them at Christmastime:

Here are Roxy and Sandy both under the tree!

Sandy LOVES to get under the tree skirt - Roxy's trying to figure out what she's doing under there!

Sandy "hiding" under the tree skirt.

When it's colder and I wear more sweaters and Sandy likes to sleep on them on the drying rack!

Christmas Decorations

I love decorating for Christmas!  This year we spread it out over a few days since there was a lot to do.  First I pulled out all my Christmas candle decorations - and I have a lot thanks to Partylite over the years!  Then we put up the tree and our other decorations, and on another night we decorated the tree with ornaments.  Chad is always saying how we have too many Christmas ornaments, but you can never have too many!  And our tree is not overly full or anything.  Maybe when we're in a different house I can convince him to let me have more than one Christmas tree...  Here are most of our Christmas decorations:


This year Chad & I had two Thanksgivings.  We had a Thanksgiving meal with Chad's family at his Grandmother's house and my brother came to that with us, and we also had a small one at home just us.  For the one at home we roasted a chicken from the farmer's market and made a few side dishes.  We also gave the cats some turkey wet food for their own little Thanksgiving meal.  Here are the pictures from both our Thanksgiving celebrations: