Saturday, May 08, 2010

10 Year Wedding Anniversary

This year Chad & I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!  I can hardly believe we've been married for 10 years - it just went by so fast!  I tend to worry and think about things too much, but I can honestly say I never doubted my decision to marry Chad - we were young and probably could have benefited from waiting another year or two, but I wouldn't change a thing.  We've been through a lot and I'm looking forward to many more years together!  Here are some of the highlights of our past 10 years:

We've lived in 5 different houses and/or apartments

We've had 7 vehicles between us - and just paid off Chad's truck and have 3 payments left on my car

We've had 3 cats - Duchess who's gone now and of course Sandy & Roxy

I graduated from both my undergrad at UNCC and grad school at UNCG and Chad went back to finish his undergrad at Southeastern and after taking another break after starting his business will hopefully finish up soon!

Chad also started his own business, C & J Services, in 2007!

We attended 4 different churches - finally finding Mecklenburg Community Church in 2002 where we are currently members.

We've traveled to Prince Edward Island, Canada for our honeymoon, went to Hawaii last year for my 30th birthday, we've gone to Florida twice (the first time I got to swim with a manatee in the wild) and one of our more memorable trips we drove straight from Charlotte, NC to Branson, MO (I wouldn't want to repeat that one).

And of course this year to celebrate our anniversary we got tattoos!

Anniversary Weekend Part I

Originally for our 10 year wedding anniversary we wanted to go back to Prince Edward Island, Canada where we went on our honeymoon.  Unfortunately that was not in the budget this year, so we decided to have a long weekend in Wilmington where we were married.  On our wedding night we stayed at a Bed & Breakfast called the Rose Hill Inn, so we decided to stay there on our actual anniversary night too.  Here are our pictures from the Rose Hill Inn:

Anniversary Weekend Part II

When we got married we wanted to have the ceremony somewhere unique.  Not that we have anything against getting married in a church, but since we wanted to get married in Wilmington and didn't have a home church there we decided to get married in a historic house in downtown - the Latimer House.  We were married in the back yard and the weather was absolutely perfect that day.  So, on our anniversary weekend we went back and toured the Latimer House - here are our pictures:

Anniversary Weekend Part III

The majority of our anniversary trip was just spent relaxing.  We walked on the beach and just enjoyed being together.  Chad also wanted me to go to the gun range and learn to shoot a hand gun.  We borrowed a friend's 22 calibur hand gun and that was what I was most comfortable shooting, but I did shoot Chad's 9mm hand gun too.  We really enjoyed every minute of our 10th anniversary weekend.  Here are the last few pictures: