Monday, July 27, 2009

Flowers & Butterflies

The Lantana that we planted behind our house is a magnet for butterflies. I was able to get a picture of this one after a few tries!

Watching the Birds

Sandy & Roxy love to watch the birds at the feeder outside our front window. Here is Sandy completely enthralled by the birds!

July 2009 Birthday Dinner

We always get together with my family for birthdays - July is my brother Fielding and Chad's birthdays and September is me and my Dad's birthdays. My Dad came up from Wilmington for the July birthday dinner and we ate at Outback! Here are some pictures from the July birthday dinner.

Chad's Birthday

Chad's birthday was July 24th and we had a very relaxing weekend celebrating his birthday! Here is a picture of his gifts from me:

A close-up of the cake.

Here's Chad displaying his gifts from me - a Handyman Life is Good t-shirt
and Seasons 2 & 3 of Survivorman.

Chad's Birthday Dinner

For Chad's birthday we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with our friends Dave & Melanie. They surprised both of us by paying for our dinner too, which was VERY nice of them! Here's a picture of me & Chad outside Cheesecake Factory.

Here's Dave & Melanie.

And here are the four of us!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

4th of July weekend

We had a very relaxing and fun 4th of July weekend this year.  It was so nice that it fell so that we had a 3 day weekend!  On Friday we celebrated our friend Paul's birthday a little early with a small party and their house.  On Saturday (the 4th) we went to the Harrisburg parade where we met up with Paul & Kelly and Becca.  It's really nice that we live close enough to walk from our house to the parade route!  Later that evening our friends Melanie & Dave and Adam came over for a cookout and then we went to the Harrisburg park for food, music and fireworks.  I am so impressed with Harrisburg's fireworks - for such a small town they really go all out!  I've created a slide show of all the pictures from this weekend!