Monday, July 28, 2008

Sandy and the blanket part II

I've posted before about how much Sandy likes to hide "inside" blankets. Well, our quilt for our bed had a small rip in it, so I brought it downstairs to sew back up. But, then Sandy decided that she wanted to hide in it for awhile. Roxy could tell that she was in there, but you can just barely see her in this picture.

Here's a close-up of Sandy inside the blanket.

Welcome Braden!!!

Our friends Becca & Jason have been trying to adopt for the last few years. They waited 26 months before they got a child - and that was AFTER all the paperwork, home visits, etc. were completed. They also had 3 calls before this one that someone had chosen them and then the birth parent(s) changed their minds. They have been waiting for this child for so long and now they finally have one! We are so happy for them! Welcome home Braden!!!
Here is the happy family!

Here is a close-up of Braden.
Here's Chad holding Braden.

Chad's Birthday

Even though we had the July Birthday dinner for Chad and Fielding, I always do something for Chad on his actual birthday. Here's the cookie cake I got for him this year.

Here's a picture of all my gifts to Chad - the cake, a balloon, a six-pack of Newcastle and his gift and card. Happy Birthday Chad!!!

The July Birthday Boys

Chad and my brother Fielding both have birthdays in July and so we always go out for a birthday dinner in July. So, here's a picture of the birthday boys - Chad turned 34 and Fielding turned 23.

Sandy and the blanket

Sandy really likes to get "inside" blankets. This past Christmas she kept trying to get underneath the tree skirt! Here she is attempting to hide in one of our throw blankets.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Gamers

Chad recently bought Resident Evil for his playstation and has been playing it as much as he can. It looks like Sandy wants a turn too...or at least some attention!

Patriotic Chad

Chad snagged 4 hats at the parade - but this was the only patriotic one and it just happened to be the one that looked the best on him too!

Hanging out at the parade

Here's a picture of me & Chad at the parade. We actually we able to meet up with some friends, Paul, Kelly and their son Jackson. You can see Paul and Jackson behind us in this picture.

Here's a picture of Kelly with Jackson in all the stuff he'd gotten at the parade. Kids are magnets for all the stuff people are handing out at the parade! We ended up with TONS of candy and I think Jackson had about 12 necklaces by the end.

A fire truck ending

The Harrisburg parade always ends with the fire trucks - usually about 5 or 6. Here's one of the Town of Harrisburg firetrucks.

Best float (in my opinion)

I thought this was the most creative and well-done float in the parade this year. I think there is an actual competition for the best float, but I don't know who votes or who won this year. Anyway, this church went to a lot of trouble to create this Noah's ark float!

More parade pics

This year we actually knew the people in two of the floats. Below is the Harriburg Salon crew in a classic car and our hairdresser, Sage, is the one closest to us (in the brown shirt).

This picture is of the Girl Scout troop that two of our friends' daughters are in. We've gotten our Girl Scout cookie fix thanks to these girls for the last two years!

Harrisburg 4th of July parade

Chad & I are very lucky that we live within walking distance of the Harrisburg parade route. For the last 3 years we've walked up to the parade and got a seat right at the beginning! Here are some pictures of the parade. Harrisburg is not as rural as it used to be, but the parade still has plenty of tractors and horses as you can see below...

Sharing the favorite chair

The chair in our living room has become Sandy & Roxy's favorite place to sleep - probably because Chad & I usually sit on the couch. In this picture they are attempting the share the chair. Sandy in the seat and Roxy on the back - they can't both fit in the seat!