Monday, June 30, 2008

Updating our "backyard"

Since we live in a townhouse we don't really have much of a yard, but we're trying to make the best of what we do have. This weekend we planted some new flowers in the back, which you can see below....
...and we also bought a new patio table and umbrella. We already had a set of four patio chairs, so Chad painted the table to match. You can't see the table very well from this picture, but I wanted to get an overall shot of our little backyard.

Roxy tries to be different

Roxy doesn't want to be just like everyone else. Instead of just sitting on the futon like Sandy, she decides to sit on the futon underneath the footstool. Roxy's always trying to be different!

Sleepy heads

Here's a picture of Chad and Sandy taking a nap. It's a little dark because I was trying to take the picture without waking them up!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Top 5 Things my Dad was Right About

Since this past weekend was Father's Day I thought I would share the card I made for my Dad. Now that I'm an adult I realize all the things my parents were right about. So, for my Dad I made his card the "Top 5 Things Dad was Right About" and here they are with brief explanations:

1. You have to play "the game".
This was something my Dad always said especially when I was in high school and college. Playing the game is basically doing things you may not like for the sake of your career or to get ahead in life. Now that I'm in my professional career and more recently in management I'm playing the game every day.

2. Everyone needs to know how to type.
When I took typing in junior high my Dad always said that everyone needs to know how to type no matter what you think your career might be. That is so right - I encounter people every day who are professionals, but have to hunt and peck to type an e-mail or letter. Typing is easy and it's only going to help you in life to know how to do it.

3. You can get tired of eating out.
When I was a kid my family hardly ever went out to eat except for special occasions and when we went on vacation. My brother and I looked so forward to vacation because it meant eating out multiple times in a week. I remember my Dad saying that he was tired of eating out and thinking how could anyone ever get tired of eating out! Now when we're on vacation I find myself saying "I'm so tired of eating out - I'm ready to eat at home again".

4. Get an education because no one can ever take it away from you.
I was very blessed to have both my undergraduate and master's degrees paid for by a trust fund my great-grandmother had set up for all her grandchildren. My Dad always stressed getting a college education because no matter what it can't be taken away from you. You can lose your job or your home or whatever, but your education and degree(s) can't be taken away or lost. Now that Chad is trying to finish up his undergrad degree (and we're paying for it) I also see the benefit of getting an education while you're younger because it is much harder to make the time and effort when you have a family to support and are working full time.

5. Pay your bills first, then live on the rest.
My Dad is very good with money and passed that on to me as well. He always stressed that you need to pay your bills first and on time and live on whatever is left. I've always done that - I've never been late with my rent or now mortgage and I make sure our bills are paid first and on time. I've seen 3 friends get foreclosed on because they didn't take care of their bills first or didn't pay them at all.

So, Happy Father's Day and thanks for all the good advice Dad!