Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The newest member of my family

Here's the newest member of my cousin Phillip and his wife Logan just had their first child, Cash, yesterday. So, Phillip is the first of all the cousins in my family to have a child. Hopefully Chad & I can go down to Florida to see them in person sometime this summer!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Athenaeum show

This past Saturday we saw Athenaeum play at the 15th anniversary of Amos' Southend. It was one of the best Athenaeum shows I've been to. They played for over 2 hours!! I wish I had brought my camera, but I totally didn't think of it beforehand. Anyway, I was lucky enough to find this picture of Mark, the totally hot lead singer, on Flickr. It was a great show - Amos' has expanded their venue since the last time I was there, so it was much less crowded.

Here is an older picture of Athenaeum that shows almost the whole band. I put this one up for Chad since his favorite person in the band is Mike (pictured on the far right here), who sings some lead, mostly backup, and plays guitar as well.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sweet sisters

Here are Roxy & Sandy snuggling together on the couch.
They are very sweet sisters and love to be together.

Before & After

Here is our sunroom before...

...and here is the new paint & curtains!

Workin' hard...

Here I am taping off the window frames before we started painting.

Here's Chad touching up some spots.

Something new to explore

We decided to paint our sunroom last weekend - here are Sandy & Roxy checking out the ladder and the empty room. They love to explore anything new in the house. While we painted they had to be closed up in a bedroom upstairs or we would have blue cats!

We love the Tarheels!

Here's our new doormat.

Sandy shows her support for Carolina too.


Here are me and Roxy sleeping during some of the NFL playoff games. You can tell we're both big football fans!