Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sleeping in the sunshine

Sandy loves to sleep in the sunlight. I was able to get the first picture while she was still sleeping, but in the second one she woke up when I tried to get a closer picture. She only looks slightly peeved that I woke her up during her nap.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Treat time!

Sandy and Roxy love to eat treats. Here they are trying to get even MORE after we'd already given them a bunch. Roxy is especially tenacious about trying to get more treats.

Tug of War

Here are Sandy and Roxy playing with one of their favorite toys - a drawstring from a pair of Chad's shorts.

From the inside looking out

Sandy and Roxy look outside from our office window. They are not allowed outside, but they love to look out the windows - especially if it's nice enough to have the windows open - then they can look AND smell.